Other Services

Transformational Escort

Hire me as a transformational escort. I can escort you and friends to a public or private event and provide on demand information or advice on how to maximize the positive impacts of your transformational experience. Optimize your trips with an expert at your side to advise on substance choice, dose, RoA, tolerance, security, and more. Rates vary depending on many factors, reach out with the event or circumstances you have in mind and I will provide a quote.

Research Scientist

Hire me as a research scientist. Have a job or personal curiosity around drugs, how they work, or how to optimize a particular experience? I can help with that. Visit the "about" page to see my general realms of knowledge. I am happy and confident to take most jobs relevant to these realms. Rates will vary according to how interesting I find your project.

Presentation and Speaker Services

Hire me to speak to a group. As a savvy public speaker I take joy in sharing information on stage. I feel confident speaking on most topics relevant to my general realms of knowledge (found on the "about" page). My favorite prepared presentations surround the future of psychedelics and the future of sustainable human development.