Cartographer of Consciousness

As a conscious being first and foremost I have always been fascinated with the parameters of self, the boundaries of the body, the matter of mind. Even as a child I was an explorer of mental states, telling all my friends about the feelings induced by the odors of whiteboard markers and how they differ from the feelings created by refined sugar. Eventually this fascination became an obsession, one that is amplified through discovery, perpetuated through insight, and accelerated through transformational experiences. I am simply a man on an endless journey, seeking explorers without a destination in order to create a world of limitless possibility. It is this obsession that fuels all of my work.

Realms of Knowledge

My most focused knowledge spans the following subjects: plant & brain biochemistry, psychopharmacology, neurophenomenology, philosophy of mind, mental health, consciousness research methodologies, sustainable technology development, and generally topics closely related to these.